Sunday, February 21, 2010


Sin separates me from You.
I'm full of sin,
Full of filth,
Full of disgrace and shame.

I want to be right with You.
I want to know Your still there.
God send Your Spirit to renew,
To cleanse me.

I hate that I sin.
I hate that I allow it in.
I hate my flesh,
I hate myself.

I want to rip myself from this flesh.
I want to pull it off my soul.
I don't want to live with regrets.
I just want to be whole.

Forgive me Lord, I am lowly,
Hollow and dirty.
Please me me holy.

Even in sin You hear my cry.
You never let my spirit die.
I never am alone or lost,
Because my Lord You paid the cost.

I feel so dead,
My Daily Bread.
My Communion Cup of Blood.
I feel so dead,
My sweet Godhead,
So dead to Your sweet Love.

This sin is running through my veins;
Through veins that have collapsed.
Streaming through my brains,
My body's begging for no relapse.

Speak life,
Speak light,
Speak sweet Spirit's renewal.
Speak flesh's burial.

Open up veins,
And feel True Lifeblood flow.
Drink up spirit,
Drink up and grow.

Grow from what you were,
Into what you will become.
Grow from dead deeds,
Into a simple servant.

A humble lamb,
Lowly in stature.
Grow in Him,
Grow in His pasture.

Be at peace with the Lord Your God.
Be still and know Him.
Be hungry and feed on what He gives.
Bow humbly before Your God.

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