Sunday, February 21, 2010

Beauty for Ashes

I stare at the image in the glass.
Pale skin, ratty hair, yellow teeth.
Who would, could love this girl I see in the glass?
Does my worth line up with what they see?

I run into their arms hoping to be loved.
They smile with evil intent.
They know my weakness, towering above.
With groping hands that won't relent.

I'm left empty, unfulfilled, and self-loathing.
Picking up the pieces of my tattered heart,
While they're enjoying their prize and gloating,
No thought of the fact I've been torn apart.

I look at myself in the glass once more.
What is it about me?
Do I really look like a whore?
Why won't they love me?

Written on the tablets of my heart.

Cutting my soul apart.

I throw my pain on the altar.
In desperation I plead.
Tossing myself before the Father.
Pounding the floor til my hands bleed.

"You're my daughter,
Strong and brave.
Put on your armor,
You're no longer their slave.

I made your eyes blue as the ocean,
to show the world the expanse of My love.
I made your hair of gold,
And your skin as white as a dove.
I made your touch tender,
To love as I love.

I made your spirit to laugh,
and your voice to sing.
I made your hands to heal,
I made your everything."

You're my beauty, Oh my Lord.
You are my worth.
I take joy in You Oh God,
More than anything on this earth.

Of God's holy fire.

Through every desire.

You have given me beauty for ashes.

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